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Get the Best Temperature Reading

Jul 13, 2023Jul 13, 2023

Do you find yourself placing the back of your hand on your forehead to gauge your temperature? A high temperature is an indicator that you might be falling ill. Learning how to take your temperature and which thermometer to use are important parts of maintaining your health.

If you are monitoring your temperature, be sure to check it around the same time each day. It’s important to be consistent because your temperature fluctuates hour by hour.

The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit but varies from 97.7 to 99.5 degrees. Fluctuations are due to changes in hormonal activity over the course of the day, your environment, and physical activity. For instance, you may have a lower temperature in the morning after sleeping in a cold room, and a higher temperature after exercising or doing housework.

Just as some factors determine our body temperature, other factors affect your temperature reading. For example, your oral temperature can change after being outside, drinking coffee, or eating ice cream.

These tips can help you get the best readings from the most frequently used home thermometers.

Ear thermometers use infrared light to measure the temperature inside the ear canal. This method is recommended for ages 6 months and older. While ear thermometers are relatively easy to use, there are certain things to watch for, such as:

Temporal (forehead) thermometers have an infrared scanner that records the temperature of the temporal artery at the forehead. They measure temperature quickly and can be used for all ages.

Oral thermometers measure the temperature in the mouth. They are not recommended until a child is 4 years or older. While they are easy to use and inexpensive, they are somewhat less reliable.

Rectal thermometers are recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for babies and children up to the age of 3 years. Studies have shown this method is the most accurate for temperature screening.

If you don’t feel comfortable using a rectal thermometer, you can put a digital thermometer in the armpit of a child. If the thermometer shows a fever (100.4 degrees or higher), the temperature should be rechecked with a more accurate method.

A fever isn’t always a cause for concern—it’s the body’s natural response to fight infection. A fever is considered 100.4 degrees or higher. But there are times that you should be seen by a doctor, such as:

Ear thermometersTemporal (forehead) thermometersOral thermometersRectal thermometersChildren younger than 3 months oldChildren ages 3 to 6 monthsChildren ages 6 to 24 monthsmore than five daysAdults